Back To Church

Let’s Go Back To Church!

“Only God is able. It is faith in Him that we must rediscover. With this faith we can transform bleak and desolate valleys into sunlit paths of joy and bring new light into the dark caverns of pessimism” –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr 

Through 400 years of oppression, the church was central to our struggle for freedom and self-worth. During those times our Families and community were strengthened and unified. The Montgomery Metro Ministers Union invites you to rediscover the hope that allowed our forbearers to survive. Faith in God gives us the strength to help continue fighting injustice and inequality and raise us above our circumstances. Find the purpose God has created for you in Jesus. Let’s go back to Church. Our heritage, our hope, our help! Join a church today.

Understanding the Campaign

 Generations of African Americans have drifted away from the church. 

“We no longer look to God as the one who we are accountable to. We are our own authority. If this is so then we can define our own morality, establish our own standards of behavior and sit in judgment of everyone else. Drug trade is seen as an understandable and to the alternate acceptable career choice; teenage pregnancy continues to rise and sexually transmitted diseases are approaching academic proportions. It also seems that African American culture is being overran by pathological pursuit of self-aggrandizement, sensuality, and prosperity at any cost.” 

—Dr Charles Gilmer 

The Church is Our Heritage 

  • Rock of Ages—brought us out of 400 years of oppression 
  • We have an extraordinarily rich spiritual heritage from the church brush Harbors during slavery 
  • The Church is central to our heritage of struggle for freedom and self-worth 
  • is a biblical illustration of divine intervention to free an enslaved people 
  • Fore parents found refuge from terror lynching and racism in the Church 
  • African Americans churches conceived colleges 
  • Churches provided leadership: Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, John Lewis, Dr Martin L. King Jr 
  • Family and community were strengthen and unified 

The Church is Our hope 

  • Rediscovering the faith(hope) that allowed our forbearers to survive 
  • Build on the legacy they have left us dark times civil rights movement 
  • Opportunity to live out an eternal transcendent purpose 
  • Purpose rooted in an eternal hope for better days 
  • Finds purpose for which God has created you in Jesus 
  • The truth about the church(Jesus) is that it is our only sure and lasting hope. 
  • Hope in God as the church raises us above our circumstances 

The Church is Our Help 

  • Creates for us a divine and noble destiny in Jesus 
  • Where God awaits our response to manifest His love and forgiveness of sin 
  • Maximizing our potential God built into us when He recreates us in Jesus 
  • Achieving there is no higher calling and no better life 
  • Only God is able to help us in times of adversities and troubles 
  • Worldly gods are not able to save us 
  • Faith in God give strength to help continue fight injustice and inequality 
  • He is the same God yesterday, today, and forever 

The poet and educator James Weldon Johnson proved to be prophetic when he wrote the last stanza of Lift Every Voice and Sing in 1921. 

“God of our weary years God of our silent tears thou who has led us thus far on our way, thou who has by thy might lead us into the light keep us forever in the path we pray. Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee, Lest our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee”. 

Sadly, too many of our feet have strayed. Too many of our hearts are drunk.