Register for the Armor of God Conference here.
Let’s Go Back To Church!
“Only God is able. It is faith in Him that we must rediscover. With this faith we can transform bleak and desolate valleys into sunlit paths of joy and bring new light into the dark caverns of pessimism” –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Through 400 years of oppression, the church was central to our struggle for freedom and self-worth. During those times our Families and community were strengthened and unified. The Montgomery Metro Ministers Union invites you to rediscover the hope that allowed our forbearers to survive. Faith in God gives us the strength to help continue fighting injustice and inequality and raise us above our circumstances. Find the purpose God has created for you in Jesus. Let’s go back to Church. Our heritage, our hope, our help! Join a church today.
The Montgomery Metro Ministers Union Inc., promotes the Kingdom of God, to enhance religious growth, to secure peace, harmony, and Christian fellowship among the Baptist Ministers. Learn more about us.
Attend a meeting!
Meetings of the Montgomery Metro Ministers Union, Inc., are held each Tuesday from 11:00am – 12:30pm. Meetings include enriching topics relevant to ministers and churches, along with inspirational preaching and fellowship. Make plans to attend a meeting soon. We look forward to seeing you.
Support the Montgomery Metro Ministers Union.
Your donations help the MMMU achieve its mission and touch the lives of thousands of people. If you desire to mail a contribution, mail it to:
The Montgomery Metro Ministers Union, Inc.
113 W. Fred Gray Avenue
Montgomery AL 36104
Thank you for your generous support!